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Blackjack Book

This website provide great tools for blackjack enthusiasts. We have simulators where you participate and simulators that you sit back and collect data. We have pages with information and videos for you to quirst your thirst for knowledge. However this page is for those who still enjoy to sit with a real book somewhere in the sand or by a pool. It is times like these when you can have the most brilliant moments for thinking, analysing and reflecting on your game strategies.

Which Book To Buy

Have you ever questioned which blackjack book to use that meets your needs? If you have never looked into which one will best fit your needs, this might be challenging. As a result, I have compiled a list of some of the top blackjack books for usage in a variety of situations. With so many blackjack books available, selecting the best one may be difficult. Nearly every day, several firms release new items. You want something that is economical, durable, and trustworthy. We've made an effort to identify the greatest items money can buy since the best blackjack books are those that strike a balance between these attributes.

The World's Greatest Blackjack Book

A revised and updated edition of the blackjack player’s bible with complete information on the odds, betting strategies, and much more. I recommend the book to beginners as well as experts.”—Edward O. Thorpe, author of Beat the Dealer.

Blackjack Bluebook II

An up-to-date, down-to-earth handbook on how to accurately play and realistically win at casino blackjack. Contains an exhaustive basic strategy section, 11 color-coded basic and advanced strategy charts, 60 hand illustrations and 40 other charts detailing basic and advanced play

What Are Your Expectations From This Book?

While it is clear that the science behind blackjack should be enough and all player should just get a book that teaches basic strategy and card counting, it is not that straight forward. First of all, there are blackjack enthusiasts who just go to the casino to have fun and not get rich quickly. They might be more interested in just looking into the history of the blackjack game. Some might just want to find other ways to beat the casino, to add to their list of blackjack weapons. One example of this is Don Johnson who beat casinos using other forms.

Blackjack: Play Like The Pros

Blackjack gives you the best odds of any casino game, and armed with a little know-how, you can obtain an advantage. Let veteran blackjack player and expert card counter John Bukofsky show you how.

Radical Blackjack

Radical Blackjack is a memoir, how-to, and exposé all wrapped up in a single book. From his life as a starving letter carrier to making $100,000 bets that he could only win by losing, this is a story that blackjack aficionados and gambling enthusiasts have wanted for decades. And it’s all true.

For Card Counters

Blackjack has evolved over the past 50 years in an effort by casinos to deter card counters, but it can still be overcome by players who are determined, persistent, and prepared to put in the necessary effort to play to win. For those looking to master today's game, author Colin Jones is the guide.

The number of casinos where card counters may play was restricted prior to the 1990s casino gaming boom. They frequently prioritized longevity over the best playing and wagering methods, and they were afraid of being exposed. The modern card counter, however, has adapted to the new environment and has abandoned fear and avoidance in favor of confronting the game head-on.

The 21st-Century Card Counter

The Modern Guide for Today's Blackjack Card Counters

How to Count Cards

How to Count Cards: An Instructional Guide to Counting Cards in Blackjack for Significantly Improved Odds.

Additional Tools

Besides books, you can also use cards to help you memorize the chart. Planning a vacation to Vegas and wanted to educate yourselfsome fundamental tactics. The exact same thing could have been produced by you on paper and laminated, but this was a premium, robust wallet-sized card. It achieves its intended goal. The prize makes it almost impossible to resist.

Blackjack Basic Strategy Chart Card

Convenient wallet-sized plastic blackjack basic strategy card. Perfect strategy for the 4, 6, or 8 deck blackjack game where the dealer hits soft 17.