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Money Plant


While gambling in blackjack is all about numbers and science, it is not a bad idea to get yourself a money plant just in case. It doesn't hurt to seek good luck now and then. The money plant is popular and known for bringing positivity, prosperity, and good luck. Money plants have a strong effect on financial well being. It is an air-purifying plant and it is one of the best plants to energize the home by filtering air and increasing oxygen flow.

Connect With Nature

In the world of plants, feg shui practioners tend to love plants. These are houseplants and are very helpfull to reconnect with nature. In this fast moving world, for many people, work is inside. First, having plants inside our homes helps reconnect us with nature. In our current world, we spend so much time inside that we can feel disconnected from the natural world around us. Indoor plants are a great way to remedy this and help bring nature inside our spaces.

Taking Care Of Something

Plants also represent the wood element, which symbolizes growth, flexibility, and kindness. Taking care of another living thing, including a plant, can help you cultivate compassion, and you can watch them grow and thrive as you continue to care for them. Plants are also a source of healthy, vibrant life qi and can uplift the energy in your home.
