
The Hi-Lo Card Counting System

Card counting gives a player the ability to know when a deck of cards is favorable to bet more or when he needs to bet less.

The card counting system that is most commonly used is called the hi-lo card counting system.

When a player counts the cards in this system, he keeps a running count. With one deck of cards, the count can reach up to 20 points or negative 20 points.

When the count is from 1 to 20, you bet more. When it is from -1 to-20, then you bet less.

It is important to know that before you learn to count cards, you should be a basic strategy expert. In order to beat the casino in blackjack these two strategies must be used together.

Anthony Curtis was a professional player and beats beats the Casino with Card Counting and Baisc Strategy. Here is an interview with Kelly Stewart of WagerTalk.