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Blackjack Weapon

What Is A Blackjack

In the world of security, there is an impact weapon used for self defense by people around the world called the blackjack weapon. This weapon is used similarly to a Sap, twistjack or palm saps. It is a short and flexible leather stick. The handle portion is about half the size of the weapon. The part that is not a handle is composed of a leather ball. While the handle side is comfortable to grasp by the person using it, the other side of the tool can bring serious damage to the human body.

Heavy Duty Stun Gun

A Heavy Duty Stun Gun is a self-defense device designed to immobilize an attacker by delivering a high-voltage electric shock. This type of stun gun is designed to be more powerful and durable than standard stun guns, and is often used by law enforcement and security personnel

Blackjack Weapon Types

Leather Slapper, SAP, Blackjack

The sap, slapper, or blackjack is an eight to twelve inch long, thick leather bag that is loaded with lead and occasionally a flexible steel rod. A sap, unlike a baton, could fit into an officer's pocket due of its size and form. Slappers are a bit of a rarity these days because many counties around the US restrict their possession or use. However, some uniforms continue to include a sap pocket.

Although a sap may not appear as menacing as a rifle or a baton, it would be a mistake to believe that they are not lethal. The leather edge of a sap is rough enough to create a dull, tearing cut to the face when used as a jabbing device, and it is dense enough to break bones when the user has space to swing. Slappers would be the best tool to utilize in extremely confined spaces, such as during a ground battle with a huge suspect.

Rapid Rotation Baton

Although side-handle batons like the PR-24 and tonfa can provide the trained officer many defensive alternatives that make use of the weapon's side handle, straight batons are more natural to employ. An officer can be protected from approaching blows by bracing the long side of the baton against their wrist. The Rapid Rotation Baton, which was introduced in the middle of the 1990s, is a variation on the side-handle baton that includes a rotating component. It appears that it may be helpful in the proper hands, but it would also need extensive training to use to its full potential.

Orcutt Nunchaku

The most common type of police nunchaku is the Orcutt Police Nunchaku (OPN), which has been used in several areas of Northern California and Colorado. It's not how you'd expect to use these pair of nunchucks. The OPN may be used as a hitting tool, but it excels as a grappling tool for pain compliance on the wrists and ankles. They proved to be quite useful in this area, although inappropriate use has been linked to severe injuries such broken limbs and wrists. Following a 1991 anti-abortion rally, 30 people filed medical complaints against the city, and they were gradually phased out of usage by the LAPD.

Iron Claw

The Argus Iron Claw was a robust come-along weapon that provided the police complete control over a suspect's wrist. Applying leverage was all that was necessary to break a suspect's wrist if they refused to cooperate or became aggressive. American Police Equipment says that although the first "mechanical nippers" appeared in the late 1800s, variations of this tool were still in use at least until the 1950s.


Given how frequently early law enforcement personnel used their batons, there was a drive to equip police batons with tools like whistles, torches/flashlights, and tear gas. At least four of the models included weapons-retention features that, if a suspect attempted to take an officer's baton, would unleash "sharp spikes or blades." Even two patents for batons with weapons incorporated into the frame from the early 20th century are mentioned in the text of American Police Equipment. On paper, each of these tools appears to be a good concept, but the baton has now undergone alterations that have rendered it a less effective hitting tool that occasionally snaps under pressure.

What Is The History Of The Blackjack Weapon?

The blackjack weapon dates back to the 1800s. This weapon was used by a friend of president Abraham Lincoln when he was escorted to the nation's capitol. His name was Ward Hill Lamon. The weapon was used in law enformcement and began in the mid 1800s in Boston and New York. The use of this weapon in law enforcemen peaked in teh 1960s. As we came to the end of the nineteenth century, the popularity of the weapon began to drop and today is banned by most police departments.

What Does A Blackjack Weapon Have To With The Blackjack Game?

While the answer to this question is a simple nothing, the weapon does carry the same name as the game and therefor some might associate it with it. For the purpose of this article, its intent was to use it in the form of an metaphor. A player in the blackjack table has also a weapon composed of two elements: the blackjack chart and the card counting skill. It is wise to enter the casino with it and use it at all times.
