The Blackjack Simulator
The blackjack simulator page is probably the most valuable tool in this website. It gives the user the ability to enter parameters for blackjack sessions and see the results without spending time or money in a casino. The simulator consists of three components: the configuration, the execution and the reports.
The Configuration Component
After clicking start, the user will see the configuration screen. The image below shows what this screen looks like. In this screen, the user can set the bankroll to be used in the simulation. This is the amount of money he is going to bring each time he sits in the blackjack table. The user can then set the betting unit in the Initial bet setting. This is how much the user will bet when the true count is zero. The user can then increase the amount when the true count reaches a certain amount as well as bet less when the true count reaches negative numbers. These two configurations will be replaced in the coming version with a bet spread screen that will allow the user to fine tune more the bet amounts with different stages of the true count.
The other interesting setting that is available is the remove card setting. When clicking the button, a modal form opens up so the the user can remove cards from the deck. This is a great tool because it enables the user to see the effects of different true counts in the game of blackjack. For example, what happens if he sits in a table that has all the low cards out of the deck? If he does this, he will see how the naturals, dealer busts and double downs begin to increase. The explanation for the other settings are shown in the tooltip for each setting.
The Execution Component
After the game configuration is set, the user clicks on the continue button to start the game execution. At this point the computer will simulate blackjack games by randomly creating shuffled decks of cards to be used as dealer serves many blackjack games. The computer will play the blackjack games. The games are simulated based on the rules of basic strategy, card counting and the configuration placed by the user. By using the console view, the user can scrutinize each game and plays made by both the user and the dealer. Despite the hours of testing, the game is played by the computer system, inspecting each game allows the user to build more confident in the blackjack simulator system. In the image below you can see the color code log screen that give the user this information.
The Report Tools
To analyse the results of the simulation, there are three components that can help us analyse the results. The graph tool enables us to find the correlation between games played and naturals. We will soon also add doubledowns, and dealer busts. The reason we monitor these variables is that when the true count is favorable in positive territory, the reason a player earns more money is that he begins to have more chances to win naturals, doubledowns and dealer busts. Use the remove cards setting to see this phenomenon take place. This is the reason a player should increase his bets as the true count goes higher.
The Statistic View
This view shows the user a number of stats relevant to the simulation. For example the user will be interested in the overall profit gained by all sessions. He will want to compare this with other sessions to see based on the parameters of a simulation, which one generates better profits.
The Graph View
This view is excellent to understand how the true count affects the chances of making money when it is in positive territory. A picture is worth a thousand words and this chart is proof of that. Right now the only correlation is the naturals. In the future we will add the dealer busts, splits and double downs as well. The numbers in the right hand sides reflects the naturals found, this is the gray area. The numbers to the left is the true count. This is shown in pink color.
The Table View
The table view shows the user, the history of the sessions played. In its tabular form, it is easy to read. The user can see the cards played, the moves made, the balance fluctuations, etc. We will be adding filters to the view in order for the user to have more tools to disseminate the data and find what he is looking for. In order to make conclusion about the sessions, the user needs as much features as can be added in order to trully create a strategy for his blackjack game.