storeschoolengineeringsports_esportshomeThe Blackjack Bet Spread

The Blackjack Bet Spread

The blackjack bet spread is a tool a player has to help make the decision of how much money to bet at any given time. The idea is to be gradually more when the shoe has more high cards and less when it does not. This is true because the key to making money as a card counter is raising your bets when the deck is hot and lowering them when the deck is cold. This variation in bet size is known as the betting spread. The range of a player spread depends on several factors such as comfort level and proficiency in card counting.

In this website, we use your bet spread decisions during the games to determine how well you are counting cards. We also determine how well you know your basic strategy as we also give you a grade in how well you are hitting, standing, doubling and splitting.